The Pride of Life...

The Pride of Life keeps so many under, under their enlarged minds, thinking they can control time, thinking they can tell on life, giving up free advice, filled with pride, shoulders high, enlarged necks, what are you doing my friend, you have gathered a team of blinders to follow you , because they have been seduced by you, to like the posts you do, with the fake photos you chose, to display a life of falseness, taking pictures at the store, adorning yourself with unpaid merch, to look the part, to be recognized, to be liked, to be sought out, to be needed by others, to give advice that no one asked for ,  you think you have all down, the right path to live , selling fake dreams, telling others to go after the dollar, like in the dollar is where security lies, you undercover christian, ashamed of the gospel, parading yourself for the photo , seating at the front, greeting us like a candidate, you enjoy to be known, you look up to see who knows you, it feels your soul, you think you have it down, you think you are ahead, you never like what other posts, you are too  prideful to accept, you think you know about life, you think you have all figured out, you think you are on the top, you put your faith in money, like money is there forever, so now you checked yourself, you approved yourself, to gather up some blinders , to follow you, to be your fans , seeking fanatics when God said go make disciples....
