Now that is a scary thought!
Pay attention don't be deceived, the biggest mistake you can make in life is to be ignorat , negligent, careless. The enemy is attracted to people who don't Pay Attention.
Warning! a lot of the images can provide harm to your mind and soul, you must be strong in the faith before you continue to read this....
Just this week April 2014 time magazine gave singer Beyonce Knowles the title of the Most influential person , and if you are a true believer in Christ you know for sure that , That is a scary thought!
I am not trying to destroy anyone's image with this post, I am not trying to accuse her either, When I see Beyonce I see a person in captivity. With millions of records sold around the world, just think how much the enemy is using her to deceive the masses, and you say , what? just because she sells records and is a superstar that dosen't mean she is being used by the enemy, ok so then let's hear what She has to say--- Pay Attention---
In the above video, Beyonce herself explains how she cannot do some things until her "alter ego" comes into her and takes over, and then she can hit higher notes etc, she even says how she raises her hand and something comes into her, and the interesting thing is that it dosen't happen during rehersal, only when she is performing, Right, exactly how many people can actually see it in rehersal compare to the actual performance. That is all plans of the enemy, to decive More.
Ok, so let's take a look at some of the pictures of Beyonce, or maybe the evil spirit that is oppressing her performing at the Grammys early this year 2014....
-Most Influential Person-
--Most Influential Person--
--Most Influential Person--
Beyonce is being held captive by an evil spirit, the big tragedy about all of this is not only her but the masses of people who follow her. And the enemy is also using her husband rapper Jay Z , because He knows is wrong yet sits there and approves...
A husband like this, that allows his Wife, and mother of his children to go up on a stage and dress up and dance like she does and then for the mockery of all, because he knows is wrong, he guards himself, look at what he wears, a clomplete suit.
Guard your eyes, guard your eyes, this world is being rule by the enemy, who operates in the air "music" , you know by just watching a music video or even a quick comercial there is No need for nudity or crazy moves, but the enemy is after you... When can you say that's too much?,,, you can only say that when it dosen't look normal anymore, but in order to make it not look normal, you must be used to seeing it a lot and being Used to it, so there he goes, using mass influencers like Beyonce who tells the world , it is ok to dance and dress like this...
I don't want to be here to see what's Next----Jesus is at the Door!!
Pray for her too!
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