
Showing posts from August, 2021

Donda is the tenth studio album by #kanyewest #donda #kanye

Prayers for everyone affected by hurricane Ida #breaking #hurricaneida

Oremos por los afectados en el huracan Ida #huracanida #huracan

Arrested for sneezing #breaking #autraliannews #arrestedforsneezing

Arrestrado por estornudar #ultimahora #australianews

France blocking people from entering supermarket unless they are vaccinated #france #francevaccine #breaking

Supermercado en Francia no permite entrar sin prueba de la vacuna #francia #breakignews #vacunapasaporte

Kabul Airport Explosion #breaking #endtimes #kabulairport

Tony Hawk is selling 100 skateboards painted with his actual blood #Tony...

Tony hawk saca al mercado patineta hecha con su propia sangre y dice que ya vendio su Alma #tonyhawk #breaking #patinetaconsangre

Krispy Kreme would give two donuts if you get the jab #breaking #krispykreme #endtimes #cdc #covid19

Krispy Kreme te dara dos donuts gratis si te vacunas #ultimahora #noticias #krispykreme

Shooting outside of Penn Station in NYC #pennstation #manhattan #shooting

Tiroteo en las afueras de Station Penn en Nueva York #ultimahora

Doctor refuses to treat car accident patients that did not wear a seat belt #breaking #endtimes #covid19

Doctor se opone a atender pacientes de accidentes que no usaron su cinturon de segurida #ultimahora #doctores

Se busca conductor que atropello a trabajadores en clinica de vacuna #breaking

Man ran over people at clinic #breaking #california

Help me participate at this year New York Fashion Week #fundraising

Mocking Jesus and the Crucifixion on national tv #breaking #endtimes #kevinhart #daveonfxx

Se Burlan de Jesus en programa de television #ultimahora

Television Australiana transmite en vivo ritual satanico #breaking #ritualsatanico

'Hail, Satan!' - An Australian broadcaster accidentally ran footage of a satanic ritual during a news segment

Doctor se niega a ver pacientes que no se han vacunado #ultimahora #losnovacunados #covid19

Doctor refuses to see patients who don't get the vaccine #breaking #covid19 #unvaccinated

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has tested positive for Covid-19 #TEXAS #BREAKING #GREGABBOTT

Washington Monument struck by lightning #breaking #Washingtonmonumentlig...

Cierran el Monumento a Washington tras impacto de rayo #momentodewashjng...

Crisis i the middle East #afghanistan #breaking

La cantidad de muertos en Haiti llega a 304 #Haiti #ultimahora #terremot...

Haiti Earthquake death toll rises to 304 people #Haiti #BREAKING

Atlanta Church requiring mandatory vaccines for members #breaking #atlan...

Iglesia demanda vacunas para poder entrar #atlanta #breaking #atlantachurch

Tiroteo en el Mall de Danbury CT #Danbury #tiroteoenDanburyCT

Danbury Mall Shooting , let's clear something also #update

Danbury Mall Shooting #danbury #breaking #danburymall

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo resigns #andrewcuomo #justin #breaking #nynews

Andrew Cuomo renuncia a la gobernación de Nueva York #cuomorenuncia #ult...

Juez de Ohio ordena al hombre recibir las dosis como parte de la liberta...

Ohio Judge orders vaccines or give to jail #breaking #ohiovaccined

Florida to withold salaries of school officials who refuse to follow governor mandante #florida #breakig #floridaschools

Gov Ned Lamont mandate nursing homes vaccinations #nursinghomesmandate #connecticutnursinghomes #breaking

3 erupting Alaska volcanoes spitting lava or ash clouds #alaska #volcanoeruption

Yelp dejara que negocios marquen si es mandatorio la dosis antes de entr...

Yelp to allow restaurants to list on their pages if mandate the first or...

Fourth officer dead by Suicide involved in the January 6th event #breaking #fourthofficedeadbysuicide

Pasaporte Sanitario en Nueva York #keytonycpass #breaking

Key to NYC pass #keytonyc #breaking #endtimes #vaccinepassportsnyc

Vacunas mandatorias en Nueva Yol #vacunasmandatorias #breaking #endtimes #vacunasmandatorio

Cuomo wants businesses to ask for covid vaccine card before providing service #cuomovaccinecard #breaking #mandatoryvaccines