
Showing posts from February, 2021

House passes stimulus relief bill that also includes the $1400 checks #breakingnews #StimulusChecks

Best Buy to lay off 5000 workers and close many stores #breakingnews #be...

Centro comerciales seran usados para dar la vacuna #noticias #clinicas

Thousands without power in Texas #texas #poweroutage #breakingnews

Texas esta sin luz #ultimahora #texassinluz

No toda vision viene de Cristo

Donald Trump fue absuelto este sábado en su segundo juicio político (impeachment) por el Senado de Estados Unidos

Former president Trump Acquitted again

Seek the Kingdom of Christ first #Gwenstefani

Body for likes #selfish #fashionbloggers #lifestylebloggers The biggest ...

Some on unemployment were overpaid and are being asked to pay back

Atlanta church faces backlash for accepting homosexual members

Vaccine most likely to have to be administered annually #covidvaccine #vaccineannually #vamsregistry

Tony Hsieh , it doesn’t make sense #tonyhsieh

UC Berkeley tightens COVID-19 restrictions, bans outdoor exercise and extends dorm lockdowns

Is Jennifer Lopez about to join Biden run this country

Facemasks available now Made in the USA