Do Not Glory in your own Shame…

Look around, see how this World is, it wouldn’t take you long to see how things are going. The enemy has deceived the World, making a mockery of people, using them to bring shame to them, and because of their ignorance it has consumed many. For examples Homosexuals, they walk around in public kissing each other, glorifying themselves in their own shame. Persistently looking for ways to make their Sin ok with the rest of the world, asking for new laws, making parades, campaigning to make their Sin acceptable. Like some of us tend to do, because it seems as though is easier to go to the Christian bookstore or extensively search on Google for a verse, or even a sermon that approves whatever it is we are doing, when we know that it is still wrong. It seems as though it is easier to do that now than to repent and depart.

How about Television, it makes it more public with those TV shows, a public display of things and behaviors that are not right in God’s eyes, for example drunk men, fighting, nakedness, etc, and how about those reality TV shows, where rich woman become entrepreneur and build companies that do not glorify the name of God, and even so like that they obtain millions of millions of followers who helped them Glorify themselves in their own shame. What else can be expected from the children of disobedience?

And what can I say about a very personal subject, Overweight. Being overweight to some people makes them proud, and to me at one time in my life it did too, like I was glorifying myself about my own shame. When I was in college studying Fashion I made clothes for “normal size people” it got me a lot of applauses, but thank God after so many years now I know that being overweight or obese is nothing proud. I work out now to loose weight to glorify God, when I work out I listen to Gospel music, I don’t workout to wear tighter clothes or shorter clothes, I am not obsessed by it either, I don’t want to control the food I eat to make my mouth talk about food or exercise all day, I want to control what I eat to glorify God, so that all I talk about is Him.
We just enter a new year, let’s make 2014 a year in which we come to God and ask him what more He wants us to change, and remember what you ask, because when it comes, you could be seating at a church and hear a sermon, that moment when you feel uncomfortable don’t get angry, don’t assume people have been talking about you etc, is God who is speaking to you and he wants you to pay attention and ultimately repent and depart from sin.

The World is dying, glorifying themselves with their own shame…

***Fillipians 3:19
***Leviticus 18:22
